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Main proposer

María Ortuño is researcher and professor at the University of Barcelona (research group RISKNAT). The main topics of her research are geological hazards and landscape evolution, with special emphasis on paleoseismology, tectonic geomorphology and slow gravitational movements. In the last year, she has also had an eye in the integration of geological data into seismic hazard analysis, and is part of the Ex. Com of the Fault2SHA ESC-working group. Maria has been involved in several projects devoted to improving the seismic hazard definition in Iberia, such as the QAFI data-base, the SHAKE and PREVENT projects or the Spain-SSHAC (for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Her fieldwork experience was mainly conducted in Spain (Pyrenees and Eastern Betics) and Mexico. Part of her contributions have to do with outreach initiatives, as the book “La Tierra, un planeta inquieto" (“The Earth, a restless planet”, ed. Univ. Barcelona) or “Tierra de temblores'' a short-documentary on earthquake geology, accessible here. At Present, she is part of the TREAD european project (



Pierre Lacan is a full researcher in Earth sciences at the Geosciences Center of UNAM in Queretaro, Mexico. His research interest focuses on the identification and characterization of active faults and seismic hazard. He uses quantitative geomorphology and paleoseismology as tools for characterizing the seismotectonic potential of active faults and related seismic hazards. He’s working in various seismotectonic regions of the world, with different deformation rates, from slow (France, Spain, Argentina) to moderate or fast (Peru, Mexico), giving him the opportunity to develop extensive experience in the characterization of active faults to extract meaningful information useful for seismic hazard studies.




Julián García-Mayordomo holds a permanent position as a Scientist (Científico Titular) at the Geological Survey of Spain (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, IGME). His research activity is centred in Seismic Hazard Analysis, covering both scientific aspects as well as engineering applications. Its most relevant achievements are in relation to the transfer of geological data into seismogenic source characterization for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). He is the scientific manager of the Quaternary active faults (QAFI) and seismogenic zones (ZESIS) databases of Iberia. He is a regular advisor for national institutions as Spanish Civil Protection (e.g., for the Earthquake Emergency Plan of Murcia Region) and the National Seismic Network (e.g., for the update of the National Seismic Hazard Map), and he has also acted as a consultant for large corporations as Iberdrola I&C (e.g., technical integrator in the SSHAC Level-3 for the Spanish nuclear power plants). He held a position of Associate Lecturer in Complutense University (2014-2017) teaching Seismic Hazard. He is co-author of 26 JCR publications, and has co-directed 2 doctoral theses, while other two are in progress.



Laurence Audin. I am a senior researcher at IRD-ISTerre in UGA, research group “Cycle sismique”. The main topics of my research are Seismotectonics, Seismic Hazards and Quaternary landscape evolution, with special emphasis on paleoseismology, archeoseismicity, tectonic geomorphology and quaternary dating in the Andes. As part of the GEM SARA project, I worked on the integration of seismotectonic data into seismic hazard analysis. I’m part of the International Laboratory SVAN for the Ecuador and Peru -working groups, as well as of several research projects devoted to seismic hazard definition in the Andes, such as the ANR REMAKE, AURA RESHIST and PATA Cusco projects. Or the French FACT-RESIF initiative (on le Teil 2019 earthquake among others). Her fieldwork experience was mainly conducted in Chile, Peru and Ecuador (in the Andes), Mexico and Ethiopia. Outreach: Montagnes et Sciences film festival. More: ISTerre LA's web page



Franck A. Audemard  M. Venezuelan (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas) geo-scientist since 1985, with an MSc and PhD from Université de Montpellier II (USTL, Montpellier, France, 1993), fond of active faults and earthquake effects in any tectonic setting. Audemard has dedicated his entire professional career to better characterize the seismogenic potential of Quaternary faults via Earthquake Geology, to better characterize the Seismic Hazard of vital and essential infrastructure as well as of the citizen’s dwellings; and has worked particularly along the southern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone and on the North Andes Block escape tectonics, as well as in active fold-thrust belts of Venezuela, Colombia and Argentina. Principal tools applied through the over 35-year-long experience are: aerial photo interpretation, field mapping, neotectonics, microtectonics, geomechanics, structural geology, tectonics, seismics, paleoseismology (either fault, liquefaction or tsunami trenching), historical seismology, seismotectonics, geodynamics and geodesy. Career dedicated to research, teaching and consulting. Retired from Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research –FUNVISIS- since January 01st, 2020 and now in search of new horizons and challenges!!!

German Prieto is Associate Professor at the Departamento de GeocienciasFacultad de Ciencias in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His research focuses on understanding the diversity of earthquakes and the associated ground motions expected on the surface of the Earth. He received his PhD from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego working with Peter Shearer and Frank Vernon on scaling properties of earthquakes using state-of-the-art signal processing on some of the largest datasets at the time. He was a Thompson Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University working on seismic tomography and ground motion predictions using the ambient seismic field. Prior to his appointment at Universidad Nacional, he was a faculty member at MIT and before that faculty at Universidad de los Andes. German has also been a Visiting professor at IPGP in 2012 and at MIT (2017-2018). His main interest is to use seismic records to understand the earthquake source, the interior of the Earth and how both affect the ground motions that we feel on the Earth’s surface. Seismological observations are affected by the internal structure of the Earth, for example amplification of seismic waves in sedimentary basins. The nature of the earthquake source has also a significant impact on ground motions, and he is interested in a better understanding of earthquake ruptures, i.e., are large earthquakes different from the more common small ones?

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Laura Peruzza is a senior researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS in Trieste, Italy. Her research activities focus on seismology and seismic hazard, in active continental regions and volcanic areas. Also, she was involved in science communication programs, and she’s been promoter of initiatives for seismic risk awareness and reduction (Edurisk project, Sisifo-MIUR project).
She has been project Leader and participant in national research projects (Eg. the ones funded by the National Civil Defense Department, DPC). In particular, she promoted with O. Scotti (IRSN, France) the formalization of the Fault2SHA Working Group ( within the European Seismological Commission focused on the optimization of fault data in seismic hazard assessment, which counts now more than 220 members all over the world. Laura has been member in national consulting commissions (Commissione Grandi Rischi- Seismic from 2002 to 2005) and other international working groups dealing with seismic hazard (e.g. the Working Group on Hazard Model Integration of Global Earthquake Model, 2010-12). She participated to past international analyses promoted by Unesco (ADRIA-GSHAP), projects of scientific exchanges on funds of the Ministero degli Esteri (Greece), Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo (Central America), ICTP (Cuba). Finally, she is involved in projects on seismic hazard evaluation at the local/regional scale for special plants (e.g. dams), and monitoring activities for potentially induced earthquakes.
She is author of more than 70 papers on international and national peer reviewed journals and books, and many other publications on conference proceedings, with about 150 oral presentations or posters. Laura is editor of special issues on seismic hazard (e.g. for Journal of Seismology, Bullettin of Earthquake Engineering, and Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences), and booklets and multimedia (CD-DVD-Rom) for education purposes.


REGIONAL coordinators

Pierre Lacan (Mexico)


Stella Moreiras and Carlos Benavente (Central-Southern Andes)

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